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Year: 2024

New Beginnings & Spiritual Quests: Embracing the Astrological New Year with Vigour & Vision! Collective Horoscope (March 18th-24th)

As we step into a week marked by significant celestial movements, it's not just any ordinary sequence of days. This week heralds the beginning of the astrological new year, courtesy of the Spring Equinox, as the Sun charges into Aries with vigour. The equinox serves as a cosmic reset button, reminding us that balance is not only a natural phenomenon but a necessary pursuit in ...

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From the Stars to the Cross: The Transformation of Firmicus Maternus in Constantine’s Empire

Firmicus Maternus stands out as a significant figure in early 4th-century Rome, transitioning from a renowned Roman astrologer to a fervent Christian apologist. His journey from authoring "Mathesis," an authoritative astrological work, to critiquing pagan religions in "De errore profanarum religionum" (The Error of the Pagan Religions), mirrors the Roman Empire's shift under Emperor Constantine I from polytheism to Christianity.

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