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Month: June 2023

The Luminous Tapestry: Deciphering the Role of Major Fixed Stars in Traditional Astrology

The celestial sphere has long been a source of profound intrigue and fascination for humanity. Its silent spectacle of shimmering lights has inspired a myriad of questions, driving us to seek understanding and find meaning in the cosmos. The fixed stars have carved a unique niche for themselves among the countless celestial bodies dotting this vast expanse. Their enduring positions in the seemingly endless theatre ...

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Whispers of Illusion & Cosmic Curtains: Mercury squares Saturn, Saturn retrograde, New Moon in Gemini! Collective Horoscope (June 12th-18th)

Buckle up, celestial seekers, as we're cruising through a week that's more star-studded drama than tranquil cosmic waltz. Ready for a journey of introspection, communication, and illusion? The week kickstarts our saga as Saturn, the stern taskmaster of the cosmos, presses pause on chatty Mercury, teaching us the power of silence amidst the chatter. As the week unfolds, the grand auditor of the skies, Saturn, ...

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The Retrograde Conundrum: Interpretations in Traditional vs Modern Western Astrology

Astrology, the time-honoured practice of deriving meaning from celestial phenomena, has woven a tapestry of diverse interpretations and methods over centuries. Each epoch has brought its own distinctive flavour to the discipline, creating a rich, multifaceted body of knowledge. A fascinating thread in this complex weave is the interpretation of retrograde planets, a cosmic dance where, from our perspective on Earth, planets appear to change ...

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Drama, Power, & Chatter: Venus’ ingress into Leo, Pluto’s (re)shift into Capricorn & Mercury’s homecoming into Gemini! Weekly Collective Horoscope (June 5th-11th)

Strap in because our cosmic runway is about to get dramatically lit with the ingress of Venus into Leo this week! This planetary pirouette promises a 4-month spectacle (Venus will go retrograde this July) of glitz, glamour, and the inevitable drama that comes when the Goddess of Love dons the mane of the Lion. Expect the unexpected, and make room for a little extravagance. After ...

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