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Month: May 2023

Wish-fulfillment, love & adventure: Jupiter conjoins the North Node, Venus trines Neptune, Full Moon in Sagittarius! Collective Horoscope (May 29th-June 4th)

As May draws to a close, prepare to indulge in a veritable feast of manifestation, spiritual pursuits and rewarding relationships, thanks to the extraordinary Venus/Neptune trine making its rare appearance in our celestial theatre. Venus, our starry ambassador for love, relationships, personal values, financial matters, and life's simple pleasures, aligns harmoniously in a trine with Neptune, the ethereal maestro of spiritual and transcendental dimensions. This ...

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Harmony of Humours & Temperaments: One of the Backbones of Traditional Astrology

Embarking on the journey into traditional astrology, we are greeted by a tapestry of intricate philosophies and intertwined theories. In the heart of this maze, standing prominent and undeterred by the sands of time, lie the doctrines of the Four Humours and the Temperaments. These doctrines, often considered the cornerstones of traditional astrology, play a crucial role in the art of astrological interpretations.

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Dynamic Disruptions & Reality Checks! Mars opposes Pluto & squares Jupiter! Sun squares Saturn! All Signs Collective Horoscope (May 22nd-28th)

As we step into the inaugural week of Gemini season, we also welcome Mars as it strides through the effervescent and regal sign of Leo. A word of caution, however: these are not quiet times we're entering. The energy radiating from these transits suggests an environment that may be more animated and chaotic than we're accustomed to. The characteristics of Gemini and Leo lend themselves ...

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Sect and Essential Dignity in Traditional Astrology: Uncovering the Strengths and Weaknesses of Your Birth Chart

In the intricate realm of traditional astrology, two cornerstones stand out: the principles of sect and essential dignity. Every planet is classified as either diurnal or nocturnal, which contributes to our perception of its celestial role as associated with either the brightness of day or the mystery of night. Further, each planet's strength or weakness is determined by its position in a particular zodiac sign. ...

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