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Month: July 2024

Sudden Twists & Fiery Beginnings: Venus Squares Uranus, Venus Enters Virgo, & New Moon in Leo! Collective Horoscope (July 29th-August 4th)

As we embark on this week, the celestial signals suggest a fascinating mix of excitement, unpredictability, and introspection. Expect dynamic interactions and profound evaluations of your values, relationships, and personal goals. The heavens are setting the stage for a week where the unexpected becomes the norm, and meticulous scrutiny becomes essential.

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Bold Conversations & Deep Transformations: Mercury Sextiles Jupiter, Venus Enters Leo, & Opposes Pluto! Collective Horoscope (July 8th-14th)

This week promises a vibrant mix of intellectual stimulation, deep emotional reflection, and dramatic transformations. With key celestial alignments involving Mercury, Venus, the Sun, and Jupiter, you'll find yourself navigating a whirlwind of energies that encourage bold communication, creative expression, and profound personal insights.

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