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Year: 2023

Pluto in Aquarius: 8 world predictions

Dear NightFall Astrology readers, In March of this year, Pluto will enter Aquarius, marking the beginning of a major astrological transit that will last for the next several decades. Twenty years in Aquarius? Why, yes! From March 2023 to early June 2023, it will be in this sign before moving back into Capricorn for the rest of the year and settling firmly in Aquarius from ...

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Blocks lifted & sudden shifts! Mars goes Direct! Venus squares Uranus! All Signs Collective Horoscope (January 9th-15th)

Dear NightFall Astrology readers, If you think you've been lagging behind everyone else at the start of this new year, think again! The skies are the same for everyone, and retrogrades aren't fun for anyone (I guess I'm as annoyed as you by how slow things have been that I'm writing rhymes now, huh?)! However, they're an internal time to take inventory and rethink what's ...

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Breakthroughs in fixing relationships and revising projects! The first Full Moon of the year! Venus enters Aquarius! All Signs Collective Horoscope (January 2nd-8th)

Dear NightFall Astrology readers, I know the year has started on a very ('very' is an understatement) slow note. Still, the positive side of retrogrades (currently, we have 3 of them: Mercury, Mars & Uranus) is the opportunity to go back and redo/rethink/revise/fix situations and relationships, the benefits of which will be long-term (Taurus and Capricorn are Earth signs, so stability is guaranteed). This week's ...

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