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Month: August 2023

The Elemental Foundations of Astrology: An Exploration of Ancient Philosophical Underpinnings

Astrology, a practice that has shaped human thought for millennia, is the product of a rich tapestry of cultures and traditions. Its origins can be traced back to the ancient civilsations of Mesopotamia, where the earliest forms of astrological thought were developed. Babylonian scholars, meticulously observing the heavens, began to discern patterns they believed were linked to earthly events.

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Rebirth, Revelations & Resonating Rhythms: Sun Squares Jupiter, Venus Retrograde Meets Uranus, & Mercury Trines Jupiter! Collective Weekly Horoscope (August 7th-13th)

This week promises a harmonious blend of vitality and introspection in the cosmic ballet where celestial bodies gracefully waltz. The Sun in Leo, exuding vibrant energy, finds a supportive challenge in its superior square with Jupiter in Taurus, signifying growth and auspicious opportunities. Meanwhile, Venus in retrograde in Leo beckons us to reevaluate our values and relationships, only to receive electrifying insights from Uranus.

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