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Month: July 2023

Planetary Whispers & Vanishing Acts: Mars Retreats, Venus Vanishes, Mercury Unites with Venus, & then nests into Virgo! Collective Weekly Horoscope (July 24th-30th)

As we transition into the final stretch of July, the universe has a unique blend of celestial shifts ready to transform our everyday rhythms. The assertive energy of Mars gradually takes a backseat, fostering a sense of tranquillity and inner focus. At the same time, the cosmic dance between Mercury and Venus encourages a heartwarming and communicative atmosphere that is ripe for personal and business ...

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Midsummer’s major shifts: New Moon in Cancer, Nodal Switch, Venus retrograde! Collective Horoscope (July 17th-23rd & beyond!)

Welcome to another top-notch and super-detailed weekly horoscope, your celestial guide through the ebbs and flows of cosmic energy! As we open the stage on July 17th, 2023, with the New Moon in Cancer, we're reminded of life's cyclical nature and the emergence of new beginnings. This astronomical event heralds an era of potential abundance, tempered by the need for discerning decision-making.

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Detail meets Drama: Mars Enters Meticulous Virgo, Mercury Locks Eyes with Pluto & then Struts onto Leo’s Stage! Collective Horoscope (July 10th-16th)

As we navigate the celestial currents this week, we shift from grand dramatics to the realm of fine details, from assertive declarations to introspective contemplations. Mars, the planet of drive and determination, enters discerning Virgo on July 10th, initiating a seven-week period of rigorous precision, detailed scrutiny, and devoted service.

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The Use of Mythology in Western Astrology

Astrology, as an ancient discipline, represents an enduring effort to understand the mysteries of the cosmos and its influence on human existence. Western astrology, in particular, has been extensively shaped by a myriad of cultural, philosophical, and religious influences. Among these influences, one element stands out due to its profound impact on the interpretation of astrological signs and events—mythology.

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