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Month: February 2023

One of the most serendipitous weeks of the year! Venus conjunct Jupiter! Mercury conjoins Saturn & then enters Pisces! All Signs Collective Horoscope (February 27th-March 5th)

Aside from being one of the most emotionally charged times of the year, the first week of March is also one of the best astrological times of the year. In the first week of March, Venus and Jupiter are at their closest, but as of right now, until the middle of the month, they are conjunct in Aries. Venus and Jupiter are the two benefics, ...

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Astrology Basics Part 3: The Houses

The houses in a chart are essential as they provide the PERSONAL context for interpreting it. They represent different areas of life both internally and externally and are referred to when identifying the position of a planet in a chart. By analysing the houses, one can gain insight into the dynamics at play in a person's life, both internally and externally. It is important to ...

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Divine inspiration put into action! New Moon in Pisces! Venus enters Aries! All Signs Collective Horoscope (February 20th-26th)

This year's New Moon in Pisces, which kicks off the last week of February, is probably my favourite New Moon of the year! If you've been reading my articles and posts for a while, you've probably noticed that my favourite word for magic and manifestation is SERENDIPITY (well, it's also one of my favourite words in general)! It is usually defined as "a lucky coincidence" ...

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Astrology Basics Part 2: The zodiac signs

This is the second article in my free "Astrology Basics" series. So, in my previous article, we've established that the planets are the main actors in an astrological chart. Here, we'll be talking about their roles: the zodiac signs they're occupying. The zodiac acts as a background. Each zodiac sign is a lens for the planets. Signs are activated through the planets. So, you will ...

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When a movie-like romance becomes reality! Venus conjunct Neptune! Pisces season begins! All Signs Collective Horoscope (February 13th-19th)

Yes, you read the title right. Until February 20th, the stars are showing wondrous energy for relationships. In fact, you might feel like it's too good to be true! We're having the planet of love and harmony - Venus - conjunct Neptune (its higher octave) in Pisces (Venus's exaltation sign). And no, there isn't really a catch here (apart from keeping your honesty and integrity). ...

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