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Year: 2021

The wait is over! Jupiter & Mercury Direct! Full Moon in Aries! All Signs Collective Horoscope (October 18th-24th)

Dear NightFall Astrology readers, We've made it! After 6 months of introspection and retrospection with the social planets moving backwards alongside 2 Mercury retrogrades, we're finally going to be able to start pushing our projects forward again, with Mercury and Jupiter turning direct at the beginning of this week, joining Saturn and Pluto in their direct motion as well. We end up with 3 slower ...

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Explosive Luck & Intensity! Sun trine Jupiter & Sun Square Pluto! All Signs Collective Horoscope (October 11th-17th)

Dear NightFall Astrology readers, Have you had enough of this contradictory energy? I know I do! Well, things have already started to become a little bit clearer and slowly but surely move again, with Saturn and Pluto turning stationary Direct last week and at the beginning of this one. But, it's all still quite intense as they haven't started moving yet. What's for sure, Pluto ...

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The Truth Shall Set You Free! New Moon in Libra! Saturn and Pluto go Direct! All Signs Collective Horoscope (October 4th-10th)

Dear NightFall Astrology readers, We've made it to one of the most important weeks of 2021! We have a New Moon in Libra, bringing us a breath of fresh air for new harmonious, fair and balanced beginnings in our relationships! A new Mars cycle starts, and 2 "big daddy" planets - Saturn and Pluto - station Direct, which means that things will start moving again ...

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Introspection & Retrospection galore! Mercury goes Retrograde joining the BIG FIVE’s slowdown party! All Signs Collective Horoscope (September 27th-October 3rd)

Dear NightFall Astrology readers, Have you been getting frustrated with the significant slowdown since May? Well, you'll have to work even more on your diligence, sense of detail, and patience, since Mercury - the planet ruling our mind, thought processes, communications, skills, short-distance travel and electronic devices - turns retrograde on Monday, September 27th! We thus end up with 6 (and a half if we ...

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