Dear NightFall Astrology readers,
What a heck of a week is ahead of us! We’ll barely feel Mercury’s stationing direct (and we’ve been waiting for that for the past three weeks to straighten our thoughts and communication out) with all the other super intense aspects and five planets STILL in retrograde! We’ve been all looking forward to Venus (the planet of love and money) entering its home sign of Libra on September 29th, but (here’s the ‘but’ again!) it will become invisible to the naked eye on October 1st until December 1st, lessening from its benefic energy. We’ll be already feeling the rocky month of October starting from this week, as we’ll have to go through, for the fourth and last time, the Saturn/Uranus closing square that has marked all of 2021 (travel restrictions, lockdowns, health passports, cryptocurrency regulations, economic crisis), and that has been heavily reactivated at the end of July and throughout August this year with the Mars/Uranus/North Node conjunction in Taurus.
October will also be marked by eclipse season (eclipses are wild, energetic cards usually leading to dramatic overturns). With Mars currently transiting and retrograding at the end of October in Gemini, there will be an overlap of the eclipses that happened in Gemini in 2020 and 2021 (Mars will be activating these points) alongside the two upcoming ones in Scorpio and Taurus on October 25th and November 8th.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. We do have a few harmonious aspects to help us throughout the week (and the month). For now, let’s focus on this weekly horoscope.
1. A jam-packed September 26th:
On September 26th, we’ll have four aspects that will become exact: Sun opposing Jupiter, Mercury conjoining Venus, Mercury trining Pluto, and Mars trining Saturn. Let’s unpack them one by one:
a) The Sun/Jupiter opposition:
From September 24th until September 28th (exact on September 26th), the Sun in Libra will make its annual opposition (challenging aspect) to Jupiter retrograde in Aries. This tense energy can manifest as overestimating our capabilities, lack of moderation, wastefulness and extravagance, arrogance, and a dogmatic attitude.
On the positive side, it can be favourable for increasing our energy levels, bringing material luck and career success, and opportunities coming through others, people or situations motivating us into action. It’s also tremendous energy for promotional businesses and activities and acting on big plans (that have been unsuccessful or put on hold in the past).
This transit will be most challenging for Aries, Libra, Capricorn, and Cancer.
b) Mercury trining Pluto and conjoining Venus:
During the same period, Mercury retrograde in Virgo will trine (harmonious aspect) Pluto retrograde in Capricorn and conjoin Venus in Virgo. The trine can bring more profound communications, and mental insights into secrets, hidden, forbidden or psychological matters. It’s also favourable for research and investigation, all business, commercial and financial activities or negotiations, especially regarding mutual/shared/others’ resources, others’, and successful travel arrangements.
The Mercury/Venus conjunction in Virgo will be favourable for dates and romantic encounters, receiving good news, and finding the right words to express our feelings. This is also a great time to enjoy our hobbies and pleasant conversations with our significant others. This aspect is perfect for successful negotiations, getting some new ideas on how to earn more money, and is very supportive for successful business or social meetings, planning and organising of events of any sort.
This trine will be most auspicious for Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio, and Pisces.
Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, and Scorpio will most benefit from the conjunction.
c) Mars trine Saturn:
From September 24th until October 1st (exact on September 26th-30th), Mars in Gemini will trine (harmonious aspect) Saturn retrograde in Aquarius. This is an excellent time for successful career and work endeavours, long-term results, positive cooperation with authority figures and seniors, and smooth changes that we can easily make. Discipline and being strict pay off well. It’s also a favourable period for upholding a strong moral code and doing the right thing. Endurance training activities can be boosted too.
This transit will be most supportive of Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aries.
2. Venus enters Libra, becomes invisible, and opposes Jupiter:
a) Venus enters Libra:
Thursday’s, September 29th, mission: Elevate, luxuriate, decorate! Beauty queen Venus dons the homecoming tiara, strutting onto Libra’s native soil for her annual visit. This is the home base for the love planet, which means she operates at her fullest strength here. Willpower, on the other hand, may be at its weakest while Venus is in Libra. Good luck controlling yourself in the face of temptation—the one thing Libra Oscar Wilde could not resist. If you’re in a relationship, make this your second, third—or fifteenth!—honeymoon phase. Push past resistance and stop keeping score. Romantic energy is contagious now, at least with the right people. The extra effort you make to tune in to your love interest can get stalled engines turning. Situationships may evolve into exclusive relationships over the coming few weeks. With Venus in gentle Libra, slow and steady devotion wins the race. Dial down the pressure, dial up the sweet gestures and charm.
b) Venus becomes invisible:
On October 1st, Venus (as a Morningstar: Pallas Athena’s archetype) becomes invisible to the naked eye until December 1st, when she will be reborn again as an evening star (Aphrodite’s archetype). The invisible phase is divided into two parts: before the superior conjunction with the Sun (Venus’s energy equates to that of the Gorgon archetype) and after it (Venus’s energy is that of Persephone’s archetype).
When Venus is invisible, it is harder to manifest love, cooperation, agreements, money, and luxuries. On the days around the time Venus becomes invisible, you can see the results and rewards of previous Venus-related endeavours of yours: love, money, contracts, and artistic projects. This isn’t a good time for marriage or starting relationships. Taurus and Libra Sun, Moon or Ascendant people will take a step back from visibility and activity, and might feel more frustrated or tired. The invisibility period is a good time for them to rest.
c) Venus opposes Jupiter:
From September 30th until October 3rd (exact on October 1st), Venus in Libra will oppose (challenging aspect) Jupiter retrograde in Aries. This tense energy can translate into overindulging in pleasures, eating, drinking, etc. This could also lead to overspending, becoming financially dependent on another person, and/or compromising our morality or ethics for instant gratification. People or loved ones could promise more than they can deliver. There’s also the possibility of indecisiveness linked to receiving too many offers.
On the positive side, this is a good time for having fun, being generous and receiving generosity and optimism from others.
This transit will be most challenging for Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn.
3. Mercury opposes Neptune and stations direct:
a) Mercury opposes Neptune:
Just before Mercury stations direct, it will oppose (challenging aspect) Neptune retrograde in Pisces from September 28th until October 6th (exact on September 30th). The negative manifestations of this opposition can translate into foggy thinking, confusing information, misinformation, promising and not delivering, gossip, delayed travel plans, and mistakes in work with information, documents, negotiations, business, and management.
On the positive side, this is a good time for creative hobbies and interests, photography, advertising, poetry, arts, literature, inspirational writing or speaking, touching the heart of others through communication, and influencing them through subtle, emotionally infused or psychological approaches, and taking walks in nature or near water.
This transit will be most challenging for Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Gemini.
b) Mercury stations direct:
Scrambled signals are clearing up on Sunday, October 2nd at exactly 11:07 AM (CET), as messenger Mercury ends an agitating retrograde that began on September 9th in Libra—and rounded out its second half in anxious Virgo starting September 23rd. Relationships were particularly unstable while Mercury backed up through Libra, which may have led to obsessing and “strategising” that got you nowhere fast. That all changes this Sunday!
As the cosmic communicator powers forward through sanity-restoring Virgo until October 10th, logic reigns supreme. What to do with this earthy, orderly energy? Get obsessed with systematising and simplifying. Colour-code your bookshelves and purge the processed junk food from your fridge. Straighten out your schedule and do your level best to achieve “inbox zero.” Rejig your budget and have any necessary conversations about money that you’ve been putting off. Since Virgo loves wellness, accessorise with your fitness tracker and create an October workout plan. Just be careful not to hop on the latest fad. That gemstone-infused, activated-charcoal healing tonic sounds divine, but uh, could you whip one up at home? Pin that recipe, and remember that the mental fog and miscommunication won’t fade away entirely until Mercury ends its opposition to Neptune and gets out of shadow (the path Mercury followed while it was retrograde, aka 24 degrees of Virgo to 8 degrees of Libra) on October 17th!
Virgo, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, and Pisces will be most relieved by Mercury going direct.
4. The fourth & final exact square between Saturn and Uranus:
From October 1st until October 12th, Saturn in its home sign of Aquarius and Uranus in its fall sign of Taurus (both retrograde, and thus bringing in karmic lessons) will form the final exact square of their intense dance since the beginning of 2021, at precisely 18 degrees of these signs. Now, I’ve talked a lot about this significant planetary alignment that’s ending a 45-year cycle that both planets started with their conjunction at 29 degrees of Sagittarius in 1988, catalysing the critical phase (the 29th degree of any sign is linked to a crisis) of globalism. That coincided with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, which accelerated the international exchange of goods, services, capital, workers, and travel. The entire world seemed to be rushing to ‘benefit’ from such freedom (Sagittarius).
But what is material expansion without a spiritual one? We’ve gone from the arms race to the international tourism, university-student exchange, trade, and commerce race, without ever taking a moment to explore the deeper meanings of Sagittarius: faith, religion, spirituality, philosophy (the meaning of life), geopolitics (how it actually works), higher education (really appreciating it and not taking it for granted), in-depth exploring of foreign cultures, and learning and mastering foreign languages. All of this takes a lot of effort, and the average person doesn’t like “sweating it too much”. So, for the most part, we stayed at the superficial enjoyment of the Sagittarian luxuries.
What was the Universe’s reaction or test for us afterwards? We hit between 1998 and 2001, the first clash of the Titans, namely the first square between Saturn and Uranus. We all know what followed, the fall of Yugoslavia and NATO’s bombing of Kosovo, alongside the 9/11 attacks, after which international travel was never the same. Restrictions and regular security checks (Saturn) at airports (Uranus) became the norm.
The second hit was when these two giants opposed each other between 2007 and 2011. What did we get this time around? The 2008 financial crisis and the H1N1 pandemic. It still appears humanity isn’t learning its lesson…
This brings us to the present-day square I’ve discussed extensively in two major blog posts: “Saturn square Uranus 2021: the Cosmic battle between the old and the new” and “Intense breakthroughs & breakdowns! Once in a lifetime Mars/Uranus/North Node conjunction!”. I’m not going to delve into the details of this alignment, but I’ll add a few modifications regarding the current and final square that will last until the end of the year.
1st off, we must take into account that during 2021, the North Node was in Gemini and the South Node was in Sagittarius, accentuating the restrictions around travel, belief systems, and communication (the fake news farce). Still, we got a few breaks because Saturn was trining and sextiling the nodal axis. Now, not only the North Node is next to Uranus in Taurus, but Mars conjoined them both last July-August, Saturn is squaring the nodal axis, and Mars is re-activating (from September 24th until October 4th) the Solar eclipse in 19 degrees of Gemini of June 10th, 2021. All of this gives us a mixed bag of governmental restrictions (Saturn) and the backlash they’re getting from citizens through protests (Uranus rules rebellion, disruption, innovation, and humanity at large) in the following areas: healthcare, employment, cryptocurrencies, natural resources, food and bare necessities, energy and underground resources, banks, taxes, pensions, personal finances and values, transformation, death, sex, the misuse of power…

To give a few examples of the past week of how this square has been manifesting itself in our society: in Lebanon, people have been restricted from accessing their bank accounts over the past two years because of the deep economic and financial crisis that’s been triggered by the Beirut port explosion in August 2020. Over the past month or so, there have been three bank robberies (Mars+Uranus+North Node) by regular citizens so they can withdraw their OWN savings (Taurus). Because of the worldwide economic and health crisis that’s been deepened by the COVID19 pandemic, governments’ expenditures in the medical sector have been off the charts (France has spent €226.7 billion on healthcare in 2021). Moreover, people have been protesting against the skyrocketing inflation rates, which has resulted in action plans for tax cuts (South Node in Scorpio).
And the final example of this closing square: because of the energy crisis triggered by the Russia/Ukraine conflict (Saturn squaring the South Node in Scorpio (Scorpio and Pluto rule nuclear power and wars)), France is facing the threat of stopping (temporarily) its food production (mainly meat, milk, and vegetables) because its factories don’t have enough electricity supply to keep functioning, the government is calling for “sobriety in the citizens’ energy use” and their consumption habits in general (and threatening to coerce them if they don’t make this lifestyle change “voluntarily”), and it’s already planning on launching its own centralised cryptocurrency (Saturn square Uranus and the North Node in Taurus).
All the sectors mentioned above will go through a massive shakeup and modernisation (we’ve already been seeing it with the expansion of the remote work model).
What’s the moral of the story? Before going to the streets and protesting for your freedom(s), you must seek and realise your own self-worth and what value you can bring to society through innovation (Uranus in Taurus). Otherwise, we’ll fall yet again into the pointless archetype of the “rebel without a cause” that gets smacked by governments and bureaucracies (Saturn in Aquarius). Use the firm and functional foundations of the past (Saturn in Aquarius) to build and innovate upon them (Uranus in Taurus). Let’s become together the “human architect” of the new world.
This final square will be most consequential for Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius.
“So tonight, we’re riding our black unicorns
Down the side of an erupting volcano
And we drink, drink, drink
From a chalice filled
With the laughter of small children
And the blood and tears of our enemies”.
Riding a Black Unicorn by Aurelio Voltaire.
Your astrologer – Theodora NightFall ~
Bear in mind that this is a general horoscope and is in no way your personal horoscope. If you’d like to know what your birth chart says about your personality and your life’s purpose or discover what the upcoming astrological alignments mean specifically for you, you can book a consultation with me.
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