Dear NightFall Astrology readers,
This week marks the rarest astrological event of the year! An event that we won’t be seeing ever again in our lifetime! You guessed it; it’s the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces that we haven’t seen since 1856!
This starts a new 166-year cycle for us, as a human species, on planet Earth and another shorter one of 13 years, as these two planets meet up every 12-13 years in a sign (the last one being in Aquarius in 2009).
The planet of faith, morality, truth, expansion, justice and law, international affairs and travel, higher education, religion and belief systems (represented by the archetype of “Zeus” in Greek mythology) will be joining forces with the planet of dreams, the transcendental, illusion/delusion, higher spirituality, and idealism (corresponding to the Greek God of the Seas “Poseidon”).
This could sound like the beginning of a fairytale, and in some cases, it can be, but as with everything in astrology and the Universe in general, everything has its opposite pole. The upcoming Full Moon in Libra on April 16th will accentuate the opposition between true love and bitter lies, deception, manipulation, and power struggles.
Here’s your weekly horoscope (and beyond)!
1. Mercury becomes visible:
Mercury, the messenger of the Gods and the planet ruling our minds, communication, perception, short-distance travel, siblings, and immediate environment, will become visible as an Evening Star on April 11th and will remain so until May 8th.
When Mercury becomes visible as an Evening Star, it takes on the energy of the Greek God Hermes: the winged herald and messenger of the Olympian gods. In addition, he is also a divine trickster and the god of roads, flocks, commerce, and thieves. A precocious newborn, he invented the lyre and stole Apollo’s cattle on the very first day of his life. Hermes was the only Olympian capable of crossing the border between the living and the dead.
Thus, between April 11th and May 8th, it is a great time to start new projects in writing, media, marketing, business, trade, sales, commerce, and learning skills. Gemini and Virgo people will be able to manifest better, feel stronger and make an impact. With Mercury transiting Taurus until April 29th, our focus will be on our material possessions, personal income, self-worth, practical and grounded projects, and relationships. Mercury will enter its own sign of Gemini on April 29th but will retrograde back into Taurus for a quick review of whatever projects we’ve initiated or started consolidating while it was moving direct in this sign.
2. The long-awaited Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces:
This is it! The spiritual quest that was started in 1856 during the last conjunction of Pisces’ co-ruling planets (Jupiter and Neptune) is reaching a new turning point – an ending and a new beginning – on April 12th, pushing us into a new 166-year cycle until their next meeting in 2188!
You’re probably asking yourself: what spiritual quest? Well, first off, let’s look at what Pisces symbolises: the collective unconscious, transcendental spirituality beyond religion (borderless spirituality), mysticism, art, dreams, illusion and delusion, deception, the outcasts of this world (through illness, imprisonment or slavery) and those in need (refugees, beggars and poppers, orphans), compassion and empathy, karma and the past.
166 years ago, we saw the revival and reinvigoration of Esoteric Christianity and Ancient Hermetic philosophy in the Western World through the spiritist and transcendentalist movements. Transcendentalism began as a 19th-century movement of writers and philosophers in New England who were loosely bound together by adherence to an idealistic system of thought based on a belief in the essential unity of all creation, the innate goodness of humanity, and the supremacy of insight over logic and experience for the revelation of the deepest truths. German transcendentalism (especially as it was refracted by Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Thomas Carlyle), Platonism and Neoplatonism, the Indian and Chinese scriptures, and the writings of such mystics as Emanuel Swedenborg and Jakob Böhme were sources to which the New England Transcendentalists turned in their search for a liberating philosophy.
The French School of occultism furthered this movement through spiritism: a religious and philosophical doctrine established in France in the 1850s by the French teacher, educational writer and translator Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, who, under the pen name Allan Kardec, wrote books on “the nature, origin, and destiny of spirits, and their relation with the corporeal world”. Spiritism is consequently a moral doctrine that strengthens the religious sentiments in general and (…) belongs to all religions, and not anyone in particular. Spiritist philosophy postulates that humans, along with all other living beings, are essentially immortal spirits that temporarily inhabit physical bodies for several necessary incarnations to attain moral and intellectual improvement. It also asserts that disembodied spirits, through passive or active mediumship, may have a beneficent or malevolent influence on the physical world. Spiritism is an evolution-affirming religion. These ideas were developed even more by the renowned French occultist: Dr Gérard Encausse – Papus.
These doctrines gave birth to modern esotericism and have been rekindling our collective interest in the occult sciences: astrology, alchemy, magick, and kabbalah exponentially ever since. Theology and religion weren’t providing enough answers anymore… We felt an inner calling and need to reconnect directly with The Creator as a species. The individual search for the Holy Grail had re-started…
Artistically, the 19th century saw the rise of impressionism and romantic (classical) music and literature, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy. A few composers, painters and writers come to mind: Frédéric Chopin, Franz Lizst, Oscar Wilde, the Bronte Sisters, Claude Monet, William Turner, and Bram Stoker (marking the rise of Gothic literature).
What about world/international affairs? The last time Jupiter and Neptune conjoined exactly in Pisces was on March 17th, 1856, at 19° of this sign. Some of the events worth noting from that time are:
- U.S. President Franklin Pierce declares the new Free-State Topeka government in “Bleeding Kansas” to be in rebellion;
- Russia signs the Treaty of Paris, ending the Crimean War;
- 500 Mormons leave Iowa City, Iowa, and head west for Salt Lake City, Utah, carrying all their possessions in two-wheeled handcarts;
- The Republican Party opens its first national convention in Philadelphia;
- The Second Opium War, or second Anglo-Chinese War: begins with the Arrow Incident on the Pearl River;
- Pottawatomie massacre: A group of followers of radical abolitionist John Brown killed five homesteaders in Franklin County, Kansas;
- Battle of Black Jack: Antislavery forces, led by John Brown, defeat proslavery forces in Bleeding Kansas;
- 1856 Heraklion earthquake: A powerful earthquake rocks the Mediterranean, killing hundreds on the island of Crete and many more in the Middle East;
- Anglo-Persian War: War is declared between Great Britain and Persia;
- Gregor Mendel starts his research on genetics…
As you can see, this astrological alignment can bring amazing spiritual and artistic awakening (the collective unconscious becoming conscious), medical research and innovation, peace treaties, but it can also usher in natural disasters, wars, false gurus and prophets (beware of cults), substance abuse, excessive escapism, mass psychosis, and delusion.
Let’s go back to the shorter 13-year cycle: the last time Jupiter and Neptune conjoined was in 2009 in Aquarius (a fixed air sign). This was a particular conjunction as it occurred three times that year over a period of 7 months. Aquarius rules rebellion, technology, the higher mind and intellect, space and the cosmos, large groups of people and humanity in general.
The first of the 2009 conjunctions took place on May 25th 2009, at 27° of Aquarius, when both planets were moving direct. The second conjunction took place on July 13th 2009, at 26° of Aquarius, when both Jupiter and Neptune were retrograding. Finally, the planets were again in conjunction on December 20th 2009, at 25° of Aquarius, when Jupiter and Neptune had resumed direct motion.
Here’s again a list of important events from that period:
- Space Shuttle Atlantis is launched to refurbish the Hubble Space Telescope on May 11, landing at Edwards Air Force Base on May 24th;
- Minecraft gets its first update by Mojang Studios;
- North Korea announces that it has conducted a second successful nuclear test in North Hamgyong Province. The United Nations Security Council condemns the reported test;
- Air France Flight 447, en route from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Paris, crashes into the Atlantic Ocean, killing all 228 onboard;
- The outbreak of the H1N1 influenza strain commonly referred to as “swine flu”, is deemed a global pandemic. Interestingly, when Jupiter entered Aries the following year, the end of the pandemic was declared. Jupiter will enter Aries for a few months this year from May 10th/11th until October 28th.
- Mass protests erupted across Iran following a disputed presidential election in which Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was re-elected president, the largest demonstrations in the country since the Iranian Revolution;
- NASA launched the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter / LCROSS probes to the Moon, the first American lunar mission since Lunar Prospector in 1998;
- A public memorial service for Michael Jackson is held at Staples Center; it is watched by over 2.5 billion people worldwide;
- Typhoon Morakot hits Taiwan, killing 673 and stranding more than 1,000 via the worst flooding on the island in half a century;
- The Treaty of Lisbon comes into force.
Again, this last conjunction marked a lot of innovation in high-tech and space, new international treaties and alliances, but also brought about pandemics (the danger is still here with the current conjunction happening in Pisces, the sign ruling disease and infections, but won’t necessarily end up in another wave of COVID, it could bring past pandemics back or something else…), violent plane crashes, celebrity deaths, and regime protests.
With the current Russian/Ukrainian conflict, we can hope for a peace treaty following the 1856 conjunction, but the re-organisation of the geopolitical order will be inevitable alongside a big surge of refugees, displaced persons, and immigrants. The rise of new world leaders is also on the table.
On a personal level, this is a time for a new beginning in our spiritual development, artistic self-expression, and moral values. With the greater benefic (Jupiter) being involved in this conjunction, we can hope for a karmic release from a long-lasting burdensome situation in a particular area of our life (look at the house where this conjunction falls in your chart)! I’ve shared on Facebook how this conjunction has played out in my own life; you can check my personal story here.
May compassion for our fellow man grow bigger than ever before, for we are all ONE.
This conjunction will affect most strongly Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Gemini. It will tend to be more positive for Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn, and Taurus.
3. Mars enters Pisces:
Going with the Piscean flow could be the quickest path to productivity starting Thursday, as make-it-happen Mars floats into dreamy Pisces, joining Jupiter and Neptune there until May 24th. Just as you sit down to focus on your daily tasks, you could get diverted to the Enchanted Forest…or onto some other random but fascinating quest. Carve out time for creativity, but do keep one eye on the clock. Reminder alarms are a saving grace during this cycle. Mars in Pisces is not exactly directional—but it IS quite dreamy. The next six weeks are ideal for plumbing the depths, exploring life’s mysteries, and bringing more compassion into daily interactions. Add more soul to your goals. How can your work uplift others, making them feel seen, valued and inspired?
When it comes to love, life could resemble a page-turning fairy tale during this phase, especially while seductive Venus rolls alongside lusty Mars in Pisces until May 2nd. During this passionate, poetic cycle, love’s fast-moving current could sweep you off to enchanted shores. But in the sign of healing and fantasy, you could get pulled into a quixotic or even clandestine attraction. Part of you will relish getting caught up in these wild feelings, but deception (including self-deception) could be at play. Attached? This transit is ideal for a couple’s retreat or long-overdue healing work. In an increasingly divided world, this Venus-Mars phase can act as a soothing salve and, since Pisces rules the feet, an invitation to walk a mile in each other’s shoes. It’s time to shift your closest relationships—and the collective conscience—by choosing love over fear and hate.

Mars’s transit in Pisces will be most beneficial for Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, and Capricorn.
4. The Full Moon in Libra:
Solo acts could become joint ventures this Saturday, April 16th, as the annual full moon in Libra inspires cooperation over competition. It will be taking place at 27° of Libra at 8:55 PM (CET). It will mark an ending, a letting go, or a culmination of a situation that has started unfolding in our lives from last year’s New Moon in Libra that happened on October 6th, 2021.
A full moon consists of an opposition (180°), a tense aspect, between the Sun and the Moon. It’s a polarity, so a balancing point should be found. Here, we have the Sun at 27° of Aries and the Moon at 27° of Libra. This is the “Me vs Others” or the “Justice” axis. While Aries is all about one’s identity and its affirmation through action, personal goals and ambition, independence, autonomy, and decisiveness, Libra is about harmony, compromise, diplomacy, justice, but also indecision and codependency. Any issues on the Aries end (excessive ego and aggressiveness) will automatically cause problems on the Libra end (personal and legal conflicts with others) and vice versa.
This Full Moon is far from being peaceful and diplomatic as it will be in a T-square (very challenging astrological configuration) to atomic Pluto. Temper tantrums will be on the table but can be avoided with patience, pragmatism and compassion, as this Full Moon will also be trining (harmonious aspect) Saturn in Aquarius, and its dispositing planet, Venus, is transiting its exaltation sign of Pisces alongside Jupiter and Neptune. Venus will also be sextiling Mercury in Taurus, opening the way to grounded conversations.
Mirror back people’s points and ask questions like, “Did I hear you correctly?” or, “Do you agree?” instead of rapid-fire responding. If your team has been adrift, call a summit. You can get back on the same page with colleagues and business partners over the next two weeks—peak manifesting time for these magnanimous moonbeams. Remember, splitting everything 50/50 isn’t the only recipe for playing fair. In fact, trying to force that might be part of the breakdown. How can you divide up responsibilities to play to each person’s needs and strengths?
The Full Moon falls near fixed stars Arcturus and Spica, two very noble and beneficial stars, so there will be a flow of help and support from higher dimensions in whatever challenges might be happening here. Spica helps up resolve any problems through eloquent communication and a spiritual approach of kindness and forgiveness. It is considered the most auspicious star in the sky, and it represents female deities or benefactors like Virgin Mary, Isis, etc.
Numerologically, 27° is reduced to 9, representing completion and the planet Mars that will also be transiting Pisces on the day of the Full Moon, forming a Pisces stellium (3 or more planets in the same sign). The message here is: “have the courage to be compassionate and empathetic”.
This Full Moon will affect most strongly Libra, Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn. More specifically, those of you who have your Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, I.C. or any other important planet or point in your chart around 27° of these signs (give or take 2-3 degrees, the maximum orb being 5 degrees).
Don’t shy away from feeling the Magic in the air this week!
Your astrologer – Theodora NightFall ~
Bear in mind that this is a general horoscope and is in no way your personal horoscope. If you’d like to know what your birth chart says about your personality and your life’s purpose or discover what the upcoming astrological alignments mean specifically for you, you can book a consultation with me.
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