Dear NightFall Astrology readers,
This week unfolds like a carefully laid trap for the impatient. Mercury has entered Aries, but don’t mistake that for a clear path forward—everything is already tangled in retrograde foreshadowing. Meanwhile, the Sun’s trine to Mars suggests that effort and action are in sync, but not necessarily in the most efficient way. There’s progress to be made, but it won’t be through brute force or sheer willpower. Instead, adaptability, patience, and a certain tolerance for ambiguity will be necessary to navigate what’s ahead.
The stage is set for bold moves, second thoughts, and a few well-timed strategic retreats. Now, let’s delve into the details of this week’s transits and see what the stars have in store for you!
I. Mercury ingresses Aries & sextiles Pluto:
March begins with Mercury entering Aries on the 3rd, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Mercury is already in its shadow phase, which began on February 28th when it reached 26 degrees of Pisces—the degree to which it will eventually return during its retrograde. The shadow period signals that the themes of the upcoming retrograde are already in motion, even if they are not yet fully apparent. Mercury will station retrograde at 9 degrees of Aries on March 15th, retracing its steps all the way back to 26 degrees of Pisces before turning direct on April 7th. However, even after Mercury stations direct, these themes won’t be entirely resolved until it crosses 9 degrees of Aries again on April 27th. In other words, the entire Mercury cycle—confusion, revisions, delays, and all—will be in play for two months. Mercury’s extended presence in Aries and Pisces ensures that nothing moves in a straight line. Conversations, agreements, and plans that seem settled now may end up needing a second or third revision before they reach their final form. Expect plenty of “Didn’t we already go over this?” moments along the way.
Mercury’s first days in Aries coincide with a sextile to Pluto in Aquarius, exact on March 5th and still active through the 7th. While Mercury in Aries prefers to be quick and direct, Pluto suggests that words will carry more weight than expected, sometimes far beyond what was originally intended. Conversations initiated during this time may take on an unexpected gravity, revealing truths that had previously been overlooked or intentionally ignored. What appears to be a passing remark may set off a chain of events, uncovering deeper motivations and power dynamics at play. Discussions that seem casual or offhand may reveal hidden agendas, while messages intended to be blunt or assertive could expose vulnerabilities in surprising ways. As always with Pluto, the real meaning of things is often buried under the surface, requiring a discerning mind to separate what is being said from what is actually being communicated. This transit signals a time when information, if wielded wisely, can be an instrument of clarity or manipulation—depending on the intent behind it.
Adding to the complications, Mercury has been conjunct the North Node and Neptune in Pisces since March 1st. This exact conjunction may have already revealed the usual Neptunian themes—confusion, misplaced optimism, wishful thinking, or outright deception. Mercury, in its fall in Pisces, doesn’t have the sharpest grasp of details, and the North Node, according to traditional interpretations, signals increase. In this case, it amplifies the Neptunian haze. If anything has seemed too good to be true, it probably is. Mercury will revisit this degree range later, giving ample time to reassess what was initially unclear.
Further complicating Mercury’s journey is the fact that it won’t be the only planet retrograding through Aries and Pisces. Venus has already stationed retrograde at 2 degrees of Aries on March 2nd and will continue its reversal until April 12th/13th. The overlap between Mercury and Venus retrograde cycles is particularly significant. While Mercury concerns itself with communication, travel, and agreements, Venus retrograde places relationships, values, and financial matters under scrutiny. Both will shift between Aries and Pisces, highlighting the tension between impulse and reflection, assertion and surrender, clarity and ambiguity. Given that both planets will conjoin the North Node again in early April—this time alongside Saturn but without Neptune—the themes that emerge now will be revisited and solidified later.
Speaking of larger cycles, the month’s eclipses demand attention. The first, a lunar eclipse in Virgo mid-month (March 14th), will likely bring the consequences of past actions into sharper focus. Details that were overlooked or dismissed may resurface, requiring practical adjustments. The second, a solar eclipse in Aries at 9 degrees on March 29th, occurs at the exact degree where Mercury will have stationed retrograde just days earlier. If the eclipse signals a significant new beginning, Mercury’s station at the same degree suggests that this beginning comes with immediate complications. What seems like a fresh start may, in reality, be built on shifting ground. Since eclipses tend to mark pivotal moments, I’ll be covering these in detail in the following weekly horoscopes.
By the end of March, Mercury retrograde will slip back into Pisces on March 29th/30th, just before Neptune enters Aries on the 30th. Mercury’s second conjunction with the North Node and Venus retrograde (now in Pisces) will occur from April 2nd to April 7th, this time with Saturn in the mix. Unlike the first conjunction in early March, this one has a firmer, more structured tone—Saturn doesn’t deal in illusions. By then, any confusion or misplaced optimism from the earlier Mercury-Neptune conjunction will have either dissolved or become an undeniable reality. Mercury will remain conjunct the North Node and Saturn until mid-April, ensuring that what transpires during this period has long-term implications. A lesson in realism is unavoidable.
Finally, next week, Mercury will conjoin Venus in Aries for the first time, adding another layer to the ongoing Venus retrograde saga—but that’s for next week’s horoscope. For now, expect the early part of March to deliver a mixture of bold decisions, second-guessing, and revelations that may or may not stand the test of time. The weeks ahead will determine which ideas, relationships, and commitments are solid and which ones belong in the realm of fantasy. And given Mercury’s current position, there’s no rush in making that determination.
The Mercury/Pluto sextile will be most beneficial for Aries, Aquarius, Gemini, and Sagittarius placements.
II. The Sun trines Mars:
From March 6th to the 11th, with exact alignment on the 8th, the Sun in Pisces forms a trine with Mars in Cancer. The trine, a configuration of ease and momentum, signals a period where action and intention align—though not without its complications. Mars in Cancer, after all, is in its fall, meaning it operates with a certain level of discomfort. This is a planet that prefers direct confrontation, but in Cancer, it moves defensively, sidestepping rather than charging ahead. Meanwhile, the Sun in Pisces is not exactly known for sharp clarity or structured leadership, instead favouring intuition, adaptation, and fluidity. Together, this combination suggests progress, but in a roundabout way.
Mars in Cancer tends to act with emotion rather than strategy. Instead of tackling matters head-on, it signals actions driven by instinct, nostalgia, or a sense of protection. The Sun’s trine suggests that, rather than clashing with these tendencies, they are momentarily given direction. The result is a peculiar mix: effort that is not entirely forceful, yet persistent; determination that operates through subtlety rather than confrontation. If there are battles to be fought, they are likely to take the form of quiet resilience rather than dramatic declarations. The most effective strategies now may involve working behind the scenes, choosing the path of least resistance, or employing emotional intelligence rather than brute force. Just because something is passive doesn’t mean it lacks power.
This period also signals a potential alignment between personal will and a deeper undercurrent of motivation. The Sun in Pisces does not push forward with unshakable confidence, but it does move in accordance with larger, often unseen, currents. Mars in Cancer’s roundabout way of handling conflict or challenge may, for once, feel in sync rather than obstructive. However, the combination of these two placements suggests that the real work is happening below the surface. The energy at play here is less about aggressive pursuit and more about endurance, working through situations with a quiet but firm persistence.
This trine also highlights a contrast between strength and vulnerability. Mars, despite its fall in Cancer, is still a planet of action. The Sun, even in the mutable waters of Pisces, still signifies willpower and purpose. Together, they indicate movement, though one that may take a more indirect route than usual. Decisions now may be shaped as much by emotions as by logic, and actions may be more reflective than reactive. The emphasis is on navigating rather than forcing, responding rather than attacking.
If this period signals anything, it’s that not all battles are won with direct confrontation. Sometimes, persistence and adaptability achieve more than force ever could. And if things feel a little messy, that’s to be expected—Mars in Cancer never did move in a straight line. But progress, however unconventional, is still progress.
This trine will be most supportive of Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, and Taurus placements.
Thank you for reading. Let me know your thoughts about this week’s astrological weather in the comments down below!
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Your Astrologer – Theodora NightFall ~
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