Dear NightFall Astrology readers,
This week signals a turning point, one that demands precision, patience, and a willingness to let go of rigid control. The Virgo lunar eclipse sets the stage for long-term shifts, marking the beginning of an extended process of refinement and release. It highlights the tension between methodical precision and the necessity of surrender, calling for a realignment of priorities—a reminder that not every detail needs to be scrutinised to the last decimal.
At the same time, Mercury vanishes from sight, stepping into the realm of secrecy and unseen maneuvering. With retrograde season upon us—and Mercury in Aries soon to reverse course back into Pisces—clarity is not the priority right now. Instead, revision, reassessment, and a deliberate slowing down of decisions take centre stage. Plans initiated too hastily may soon require revisions, or worse, complete abandonment. And with Mercury and Venus both tangled in retrograde cycles, expect matters of value, negotiation, and relationships to demand second (or third) thoughts before moving forward.
The interplay between eclipses, planetary reversals, and lingering uncertainties suggests that this week is not about finalising anything—it is about identifying what no longer serves its purpose and allowing the necessary realignments to unfold over time. It is a week of calculated restraint, a test of whether one can navigate shifting tides without grasping for immediate answers.
To understand where all of this is heading and what the stars have in store for you, let’s break down the key transits of the week in detail!
I. Lunar Eclipse in Virgo:
The lunar eclipse in Virgo marks the first eclipse of 2025, setting the tone for the next eighteen-month cycle of eclipses in Virgo and Pisces. This event signals the beginning of the end of an era of unhealthy fixation—an obsessive focus on details that ultimately hold little significance. It is a moment of realisation: the need to let go of trivial concerns and instead commit to more meaningful and spiritually fulfilling pursuits.
The eclipse occurs on 14 March 2025 at 08:54 CET, though its effects will be felt as it approaches on the 13th.
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun and the Moon oppose each other in a Full Moon, aligning with the Moon’s nodes. These nodes represent fated events and extremes, bringing a sense of intensity and longevity to the energy at play.
Unlike regular Full Moons, which influence a single lunar cycle of 30 days, eclipses unfold over a much longer period—approximately six months. This eclipse marks the beginning of an ending, initiating a process of gradual detachment that will take time to unfold.
The eclipse occurs in Virgo, a mutable Earth sign known for its attention to detail, adaptability, and realism. However, Virgo’s strengths can also become its weaknesses—meticulousness can turn into obsessive perfectionism, and pragmatism can shift into an unhealthy fixation on minor details.
This eclipse serves as a wake-up call for those who have been micromanaging aspects of their lives to an unsustainable degree. It highlights the need to release excessive control over details that do not contribute to real progress. It does not imply abandoning responsibility or ignoring important tasks. Instead, it represents a shift in perspective—the understanding that some things must be allowed to unfold naturally, without constant intervention.
The Moon in this eclipse is positioned in the third decan of Virgo (23 degrees), ruled by Mercury, meaning that Mercury governs the Moon both by sign and decan. Traditionally, Mercury is associated with intellect, analysis, communication, and adaptability. In Virgo, Mercury operates in its most meticulous, discerning, and structured expression, favouring rational judgement, refinement, and technical mastery. The Moon’s placement in this decan reflects a period of mental evaluation and categorisation, where there is a natural inclination to assess, organise, and filter what is essential from what is unnecessary.
Mercury’s double rulership here suggests a strong focus on logic, problem-solving, and precision, yet this lunar eclipse—a moment of culmination and transition—introduces a shift towards recognising the limitations of excessive scrutiny. Virgo, particularly in its third decan, tends towards relentless refinement, but this eclipse marks a threshold moment where one must consider whether continued analysis is a constructive effort or an exhausting distraction. The question at hand is whether one’s attention to detail serves a meaningful purpose or whether it has become an obstacle to broader clarity and resolution. This is a time for consolidation rather than endless revision, a moment to recognise that some things have reached their natural conclusion and must now be released rather than endlessly perfected.
Directly opposing Virgo in this eclipse is the Sun at 23 degrees of Pisces, positioned in its third decan, ruled by Mars, while Pisces as a whole is ruled by Jupiter. This dual rulership is significant. Jupiter, as the ruler of Pisces, reflects themes of wisdom, faith, expansion, and a broader vision of interconnectedness. Pisces is concerned with what lies beyond structure and analysis, favouring a perspective that is fluid, intuitive, and transcendent. However, within Pisces, the third decan is ruled by Mars, introducing a decisive and assertive quality to a sign otherwise known for its receptivity.
Mars, as the decan ruler, reflects a need for action, conviction, and even struggle within Pisces’ broader Jupiterian themes of surrender and spiritual growth. While Virgo seeks certainty through methodical refinement, Pisces in its third decan suggests a moment where clarity does not come from further analysis but from taking decisive action based on faith and intuition. This is the point where the fluidity of Jupiter meets the forcefulness of Mars, where one must choose to act, even if all the details are not yet known.
The Moon’s conjunction with the South Node reinforces this theme of release and detachment, indicating that this eclipse signals a departure from hyper-fixation on details, micromanagement, and perfectionism. The South Node is associated with what must be let go of, and with the Moon in Virgo, this suggests a gradual surrender of excessive intellectualisation, worry, and the need for absolute control over outcomes.
Meanwhile, the North Node’s placement with the Sun in Pisces encourages a movement towards spiritual growth, creativity, and a broader perspective. This is not a rejection of Virgo’s analytical nature—which remains valuable—but rather a call to balance precision with intuition, detail with vision, and control with trust. The challenge of this eclipse is to recognise when analysis is helpful and when it becomes a form of resistance against necessary change.
This eclipse, therefore, signals a moment of transition, where critical evaluation (Virgo) meets the necessity of emotional resolution and decisive action (Pisces). The Moon’s placement in Mercury-ruled Virgo reflects a need to understand and assess, while the Sun’s placement in Mars-ruled Pisces suggests that one must now move forward based on conviction rather than further deliberation. The presence of Jupiter as Pisces’ ruler reminds us that this shift is not impulsive, but part of a broader journey towards wisdom, meaning, and alignment with higher principles.
Taken together, this eclipse reflects the transition from meticulous refinement to decisive action, from intellectual discernment to purposeful faith. It signals that a cycle of constant correction and re-evaluation is now shifting towards a more resolute and spiritually aligned focus—one that acknowledges the limitations of control and the necessity of trusting in the greater unfolding of events.
{ If you’d like to know where and how this Lunar Eclipse is showing up in your own chart and life,
order your personal “Lunar Eclipse in Virgo” forecast HERE! }
Adding further depth to this lunar eclipse is the presence of both Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, with the Sun conjoining Saturn just two days prior, on 12 March 2025, at 22 degrees of Pisces. This conjunction initiates a new annual cycle between the Sun and Saturn, marking a moment of renewal in matters of structure, responsibility, and discipline.
This is also the last Sun-Saturn conjunction in Pisces for nearly 30 years, as Saturn will move into Aries on 25 May 2025, entering its fall—a condition in which Saturn’s ability to establish order and enforce boundaries becomes less stable. Before leaving Pisces entirely, Saturn will retrograde back into the sign from 1 September 2025 until 15 February 2026, offering one final opportunity to consolidate the spiritual, artistic, and philosophical foundations laid during its transit through Pisces.
The significance of this particular Sun-Saturn conjunction is heightened by its placement at 22 degrees of Pisces, within the bound ruled by Mars (19–27 degrees of Pisces), according to the system outlined by Vettius Valens. Valens describes this bound as producing “active, naval warriors, bold guides, attaining success in mystic lore, plundering but then restoring, varied, not dying a natural death.” These descriptions evoke themes of spiritual resilience, bold leadership in uncertain waters, and a willingness to navigate both loss and restoration. The Mars rulership of this bound, combined with Saturn’s presence, underscores an active struggle for meaning, the assertion of discipline in the face of uncertainty, and the capacity to endure trials that ultimately lead to renewal.
Saturn’s presence in Pisces remains paradoxical—a planet associated with boundaries, discipline, and constraint placed in a sign that dissolves, transcends, and blurs distinctions. It signals a serious commitment to spirituality, artistic mastery, and deep philosophical contemplation. This is the energy of the disciplined mystic, the devoted artist, or the philosopher who seeks both knowledge and faith, knowing that true understanding often requires sacrifice and perseverance.
With Neptune also in Pisces, the contrast between rigid Saturnian discipline and Neptune’s fluid, boundless nature is ever-present. Neptune represents the dissolution of material concerns, higher vision, and the realm of dreams, while Saturn insists on form, endurance, and tangible results. Together, they reflect the tension between striving for spiritual or artistic perfection and the unavoidable reality of human limitations.
The Sun’s conjunction with Saturn just before this eclipse symbolises a moment of reckoning—where structures must either be redefined or released, and where commitment to a higher calling requires discipline rather than mere inspiration. As this is the final Sun-Saturn conjunction in Pisces for three decades, it marks the closing of a long cycle of spiritual maturation and the beginning of a new era, in which Saturn’s lessons will soon shift from the ethereal realms of Pisces to the raw, initiating energy of Aries.
Thus, this eclipse is not simply a moment of reflection, but a pivotal juncture in the unfolding of long-term themes. The Mercurial precision of Virgo meets the spiritual discipline of Pisces, calling for balance between structured refinement and an acceptance of the unknown. The presence of Mars-ruling the bound of the Sun-Saturn conjunction emphasises the need for courage, decisive action, and an unwavering commitment to higher aspirations, even in the face of uncertainty.
The Full Moon in Virgo forms a loose square with Jupiter in Gemini, an aspect that, while traditionally considered a challenging configuration, also introduces a mitigating condition of bonification. Jupiter, despite being in exile in Gemini—a placement where its expansive, unifying nature is somewhat at odds with Gemini’s fragmented, analytical tendencies—still overcomes the Virgo Moon by being in the earlier zodiacal order. This overcoming square provides mitigating support, tempering the potential rigidity, scrutiny, or anxiety associated with a Virgo Full Moon.
Jupiter, even when in exile, remains a benefic, and its presence in this alignment signals opportunities for growth, learning, and perspective shifts, even in the midst of endings and transitions. The square aspect indicates tension, yet this is the kind of tension that can motivate rather than hinder. Where Virgo’s Mercurial tendencies might become overly critical, meticulous, or restrained, Jupiter in Gemini counterbalances this by broadening the scope of thought, encouraging adaptability, and fostering curiosity.
Jupiter’s overcoming position in the square suggests that a larger perspective, a willingness to explore alternative approaches, or an openness to knowledge beyond immediate concerns will serve as a counterbalance to Virgo’s instinct to refine, correct, or control. This planetary configuration reflects a moment of reckoning between micro-level precision and macro-level comprehension, between structured analysis and the ability to take in diverse perspectives without being overwhelmed by them.
Even though Jupiter lacks its full dignified strength in Gemini, it still acts as a source of optimism and possibility. This eclipse does not signify an abrupt or harsh ending, but rather a turning point that, while demanding discernment, also invites the embrace of new opportunities, intellectual curiosity, and the expansion of thought beyond habitual concerns. Jupiter’s involvement in this dynamic encourages faith in the unfolding process, even when it requires navigating uncertainty or letting go of rigid perfectionism.
Another key factor in this lunar eclipse is the conjunction of Mercury and Venus retrograde in Aries (exact on March 11th), a configuration that signals a deep re-evaluation of personal values, desires, and priorities. With Venus in Aries, the planet of harmony, relationships, and attraction finds itself in exile, meaning that its natural qualities of diplomacy, receptivity, and refinement are at odds with Aries’ bold, impulsive, and self-assertive nature. This placement reflects a period of intensified self-exploration regarding what one truly values, particularly in matters of affection, personal preferences, and relational dynamics. Venus retrograde in Aries often prioritises independence over compromise, leading to a reassessment of whether certain attachments align with one’s deeper sense of identity and direction.
Mercury, also in Aries, is closely aligned with Venus retrograde, reinforcing the theme of rethinking personal happiness and articulating these insights with greater clarity. However, this process is far from straightforward, as Mercury stations retrograde the day after the eclipse, on 15 March 2025, initiating a period of introspection, revision, and delays in decision-making. Mercury in Aries typically promotes direct, assertive, and fast-paced thinking, but as it stations retrograde, its energy shifts towards rethinking, reconsidering, and even retracting previously made choices. The fact that this station occurs immediately after the eclipse suggests that any realisation or shift in values emerging at this time is not final, but rather the beginning of a longer, unfolding process that demands careful reconsideration.
The significance of Mercury’s role in this eclipse is heightened by the fact that it is the dispositor of the Virgo Moon. As the planet ruling Virgo, Mercury governs the way this lunar eclipse is processed, analysed, and understood. However, rather than being in a position of stability and clarity, Mercury is in Aries—where it operates with urgency, speed, and a tendency toward blunt expression—and is about to turn retrograde, meaning that its usual forward-moving, problem-solving nature is interrupted. This suggests that the revelations brought by the eclipse may not be immediately clear or resolved, and that the process of sorting through information, emotions, and decisions will take time.
Further complicating this dynamic is the loose square from Mars in Cancer, a planet that is itself in fall, meaning that it struggles to express its full strength in a sign that is emotionally reactive rather than assertively direct. Mars in Cancer tends to operate defensively, responding from instinct and feeling rather than calculated strategy or clear action. This square introduces emotional volatility, potential frustration, and indirect conflict, which may manifest as tense conversations, impulsive decisions, or difficulty asserting one’s needs in a way that feels both confident and emotionally secure.
The dynamic between Mercury in Aries, Venus retrograde, and Mars in Cancer suggests a period where conversations could feel heated, emotionally charged, or prone to passive-aggressive tendencies, as neither Venus nor Mars operate within their natural strengths. Mercury, as the dispositor of this eclipse, is meant to provide insight and clarity, yet its retrograde station indicates that understanding will not come immediately or in a linear fashion. Instead, this period calls for reflection, patience, and a willingness to revisit previous decisions, conversations, and perspectives.
Despite these tensions, the primary focus of this eclipse is not external conflict, but internal transformation. The realignment of personal values, priorities, and desires is at the heart of this configuration. With Mercury about to turn retrograde, any new realisations that emerge now are still fluid and subject to change. The period following the eclipse calls for careful introspection, patience, and a willingness to let the process of reevaluation unfold naturally rather than rushing toward premature conclusions. This is a time where inner clarity must come before outward action—where the willingness to reconsider and refine one’s approach will be far more beneficial than seeking immediate resolution.
Key Events from the 2006 Virgo Lunar Eclipse and Potential 2025 Parallels:
1. Sectarian Conflict and Political Crises:
- February 22, 2006 – Al-Askari Mosque Bombing:
The bombing of the al-Askari Shrine in Samarra, Iraq, one of the holiest sites in Shia Islam, escalated sectarian violence into a full-scale war. The attack was a turning point, leading to the Iraqi Civil War (2006–2008). - Potential 2025 Parallels:
Given the Virgo-Pisces axis, which often highlights divisions between order (Virgo) and dissolution (Pisces), we may once again see sectarian or ideological conflicts intensify—especially in regions already experiencing political instability. The Middle East remains a highly volatile area, with ongoing tensions in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, where sectarian divides continue to shape conflicts.
Additionally, religious sites, ideological struggles, and conflicts tied to spiritual or nationalist identities could come into focus. The 2025 eclipse could coincide with an escalation in existing geopolitical tensions, particularly in regions where religious, ideological, or ethnic identities are being challenged.
2. Space Exploration and Scientific Breakthroughs:
- March 9, 2006 – Cassini Discovers Water Geysers on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus:
NASA’s Cassini spacecraft observed geysers of vapor, dust, and small ice crystals on Saturn’s moon Enceladus, which suggested the possible presence of subsurface water—a crucial step in the search for extraterrestrial life. - March 10, 2006 – NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Enters Mars Orbit:
The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter successfully entered orbit around Mars, marking a significant milestone in space exploration. - Potential 2025 Parallels:
With Pisces governing the vast, unknown realms of space and deep cosmic exploration, and Virgo reflecting methodical research and analysis, we could expect major advancements in astronomy, planetary science, and space missions around the 2025 eclipse.The Artemis Moon missions, aimed at establishing a sustained human presence on the Moon, could see significant developments or key breakthroughs in lunar exploration.
Given the focus on exoplanets and astrobiology, we may see new evidence suggesting extraterrestrial microbial life or further exploration of oceanic moons like Enceladus and Europa.
Governments and private companies, such as NASA, SpaceX, and China’s space program, may announce or launch new interplanetary missions during this time.
With AI and robotics advancing at an exponential rate, the intersection of automation and space exploration—possibly new developments in robotic exploration of Mars or outer planets—may also be a defining theme.
3. Global Governance and Human Rights Initiatives:
- March 15, 2006 – The United Nations General Assembly Establishes the UN Human Rights Council:
The UN formally established the Human Rights Council, reflecting a shift in global governance, international law, and human rights frameworks. - Potential 2025 Parallels:
Eclipses in Virgo-Pisces often signal critical shifts in global governance, humanitarian initiatives, and institutional restructuring. With ongoing global conflicts, refugee crises, and humanitarian challenges, the 2025 eclipse could coincide with:
– A restructuring of international bodies, such as the UN, the European Union, or the International Criminal Court.
– New human rights policies, potentially regarding refugee protections, AI ethics, digital privacy, and surveillance laws.
– Legal and institutional challenges in balancing humanitarian concerns with state sovereignty—a tension long reflected in the Virgo-Pisces polarity.
4. The Digital Revolution and the Rise of Social Media:
- March 21, 2006 – Twitter is Launched:
The creation of Twitter marked a pivotal moment in digital communication, shifting the way information was disseminated globally. This launch reshaped political discourse, activism, and journalism in the years that followed. - Potential 2025 Parallels:
– A major transformation in digital platforms, AI communication, or social networking. With rapid advancements in AI-driven content, regulation of digital spaces, and the decline of traditional social media models, the 2025 eclipse could coincide with the emergence of a new paradigm in global communication.
– The regulation or restructuring of online speech and digital rights, particularly in response to misinformation, censorship debates, and the integration of AI-generated content into mainstream media.
– The fall or transformation of legacy tech giants—much like how MySpace declined following Twitter’s rise, a similar digital power shift may be on the horizon.
The Virgo-Pisces eclipse cycle of 2006 and 2025 highlights the tension between structure and dissolution, order and chaos, analysis and faith. In 2006, this manifested as political crises, scientific advancements, institutional shifts, and technological revolutions—all of which are likely to see new iterations in 2025.
This eclipse reflects a collective moment of reckoning, where:
- Global institutions face restructuring or legitimacy crises.
- Geopolitical and sectarian tensions intensify in key regions.
- Technological advancements and space exploration see significant developments.
- The digital landscape undergoes another major shift, with potential disruptions in social media, online governance, and AI communication.
On a personal level, this eclipse signals a continuation of themes that were active in 2006—a time to reflect on what was unfolding in your own life 19 years ago and how those themes may now return in a different form, demanding a new level of understanding, refinement, or closure.
While Virgo seeks precision and order, Pisces reminds us that not everything can be controlled. The lesson of this eclipse cycle is discernment—knowing when to analyse and refine, and when to surrender to the broader currents of change.
This eclipse will be visible from the following geographic regions: Pacific, Americas, Western Europe, Western Africa. So, naturally, these are the regions where this eclipse is the most relevant.
This lunar eclipse will be felt most intensely by Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius, and Virgo placements, particularly if you have planets and/or important chart points around 23 degrees of these signs (give or take 1-5 degrees).
II. Mercury’s Vanishing Act & the Games of Fate: A Prolonged Sojourn Through Aries & Pisces:
On March 14th, the same day as the lunar eclipse in Virgo, Mercury disappears from view, stepping into a period of celestial invisibility that will last until May 23rd, when it reemerges in Taurus. During this time, Mercury will remain unseen—an indication that what is spoken, planned, or set in motion now operates outside the visible domain, beyond immediate scrutiny or control.
This phase, lasting until the inferior conjunction with the Sun on March 24th, recalls the tale of Hermes stealing Apollo’s fifty cows shortly after his birth. According to the myth, Hermes—Mercury’s Greek counterpart—cunningly led the cattle away in reverse to conceal their tracks, then sacrificed two of them in an act of both trickery and tribute. The parallel here is striking: during Mercury’s invisibility, words, messages, and agreements may be subject to misdirection, ambiguity, or unseen maneuvering. Some matters may appear lost, but only because they are being rerouted or repurposed behind the scenes. A process of concealment, exchange, and eventual revelation is unfolding.
On March 15th, just one day after the Virgo lunar eclipse, Mercury stations retrograde at 9 degrees of Aries. This degree falls within the Venus-ruled bound of Aries (6-11 degrees), which Valens describes as “cheerful, clever, radiant, even pure, handsome.” Given that Mercury is neither cheerful nor particularly radiant when reversing course, there is something ironic about this placement. It signals that what seems pleasing or straightforward at first may soon require revision or reveal unintended consequences.
The significance of this degree is heightened by the fact that on March 29th, a solar eclipse will occur at the exact same position (9 degrees of Aries). Whatever Mercury now hesitates over, revisits, or struggles to articulate will resurface under different circumstances when the Sun and Moon converge at the same degree later in the month. What appears to be a minor delay or reconsideration now is part of a larger unfolding process—one that will not fully resolve until Mercury exits its retrograde shadow on April 27th.
Mercury will retrograde back from 9 degrees of Aries to 26 degrees of Pisces, where it stations direct on April 7th. The degree of 26 Pisces falls within the Mars-ruled bound (19-27 degrees), the same region where the Sun and Saturn will be during the lunar eclipse. According to Valens, this bound is associated with “active, naval warriors, bold guides, attaining success in mystic lore, plundering but then restoring, varied, not dying a natural death.” A fitting description for Mercury’s extended stay in Pisces—wandering through uncertain waters, revisiting matters that require both strategic boldness and eventual restitution.
This Mars-bound station at 26 Pisces suggests that Mercurial themes—commerce, negotiations, diplomacy, and travel—are drawn into a process of retrieval, recalibration, and eventual resolution through persistence rather than passive waiting. The connection to naval warriors and mystic knowledge is particularly noteworthy in light of geopolitical tensions, maritime disputes, and ideological conflicts that often escalate under such conditions. What is hidden or unclear at the moment of Mercury’s station will demand resolution through action rather than passive contemplation.
Mercury’s shadow period began on February 28th, when it first reached 26 degrees of Pisces while moving direct—the same degree where it will station direct on April 7th. This means that events, negotiations, or discussions initiated at the end of February are now entering a phase of reconsideration and revision. What is being delayed, reconsidered, or redirected is not a sudden disruption, but rather part of a longer process—one that will not be fully clarified until April 27th, when Mercury crosses 9 degrees of Aries again and exits its post-retrograde shadow.
A shadow period in Mercury’s cycle signals that the events of the retrograde do not exist in isolation. Rather than seeing this as a period of mere inconvenience, it is a necessary pause for realignment. The topics Mercury touches upon during this time—whether in diplomacy, commerce, strategic decision-making, or personal matters requiring negotiation—are not yet in their final form. What seems definite or certain at one stage may need to be reconsidered entirely before the final version emerges after Mercury clears its shadow.
Complicating matters further is the fact that Mercury is in its fall in Pisces, meaning that it is operating in a sign contrary to its nature. Pisces is fluid, intuitive, and boundless, whereas Mercury is typically precise, analytical, and methodical. In this context, Mercury struggles to function with its usual clarity. Instead of its preferred method of logical deduction and exact calculations, Mercury in Pisces signals a period of vague communications, shifting narratives, and indirect exchanges. Plans made under this transit may feel uncertain or subject to external forces beyond one’s control.
Adding complexity to this dynamic is the fact that Venus is also retrograde in Aries and Pisces during this time, until April 13th. With both Mercury and Venus retracing their steps, issues related to agreements, finances, artistic expression, and relational matters are not functioning with their usual clarity. A period of reassessment and refinement is unfolding—not because things are falling apart, but because they were never as solid as they initially appeared.
The intersection of Mercury’s retrograde (from Aries back into Pisces) and Venus’s retrograde movement suggests that what is being reconsidered now is tied not only to logic and strategy but also to matters of attraction, value, and diplomacy. This is a period where previous assumptions about what is desirable or beneficial may shift, requiring a more nuanced understanding before commitments can be made.
For those engaged in trade negotiations, diplomatic efforts, or financial restructurings, this period signals a need for strategic patience. Agreements that seem secure at first glance may prove to be less stable than initially believed, and revisions will likely be required before long-term success is possible.
Rather than forcing conclusions, the better approach is to observe what is emerging, knowing that this period is part of a larger realignment process. What is reversed or delayed now may ultimately serve as a corrective measure, ensuring that what remains is better structured, more resilient, and less prone to failure down the road.
For those in positions of diplomatic, economic, or strategic power, this is a time for tactical patience, careful recalibration, and recognition that what seems stalled may simply be undergoing necessary revision. The cleverest move now is not to push forward blindly, but to work with the rhythm of what is unfolding—because what appears lost may, in time, return in a stronger form.
Mercury’s invisibility and retrograde motion will be most challenging for Aries, Pisces, Gemini, and Virgo placements.
Thank you for reading. Let me know your thoughts about this week’s astrological weather in the comments down below!
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Your Astrologer – Theodora NightFall ~
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