Dear NightFall Astrology readers,
This week, the celestial landscape invites you to buckle up for a potent cocktail of dramatic farewells, fiery new beginnings, and introspective realisations. Picture yourself at the crossroads between wistful nostalgia and assertive clarity, where dreamy illusions collide head-on with stark reality.
Curious to find out exactly how these powerful planetary alignments may reflect in your personal narrative? Dive deeper below to discover exactly what the stars have in store for you!
I. The last Sun/Neptune conjunction in Pisces:
Between March 17th and March 20th (exact on the 19th), the celestial stage presents a rare and significant act: the Sun aligns with Neptune in Pisces for the final time in our lifetime. Neptune, a distant and slow-moving planet, requires an exhausting 165 years to complete its journey through the zodiac. This yearly conjunction, familiar yet always intriguing, signals the beginning of a new annual cycle, which will conclude when the Sun once again conjoins Neptune next year on March 22nd, notably shifting the drama to the fiery sign of Aries. However, this year’s conjunction isn’t just your typical planetary meetup; it occurs at the critical 29th degree—known in astrology as the anaretic degree.
The 29th degree is not just any place in the zodiac; it represents a moment of urgency, transition, and heightened awareness. Often described as the “degree of crisis,” it suggests a peak culmination, a profound moment of realisation, or perhaps a slightly dramatic farewell. Neptune has been swimming through Pisces since 2012, bringing along with it a powerful emphasis on dreams, illusions, spirituality, and escapism—quite the party, especially for those favouring fantasy over reality. Now at this anaretic degree, Neptune’s long Piscean journey signals the culmination of deep-rooted emotional and spiritual themes. It invites reflection on illusions maintained for over a decade—whether personal, collective, or both. Consider it akin to waking up after a prolonged dream, perhaps even a charming delusion, and asking oneself with raised eyebrows, “What exactly was I thinking?”
The conjunction of the Sun, representing identity, visibility, and clarity, with Neptune at this sensitive juncture sharpens the lens through which we perceive our spiritual and emotional reality. It may signal moments of profound insight, perhaps tinged with melancholy or bittersweet nostalgia, as we see clearly what must be left behind before we move forward. There is an implied challenge: discernment between what we genuinely feel and believe versus the comforting narratives we’ve been telling ourselves.
It’s worth noting that Neptune will briefly enter Aries, a markedly assertive and impulsive environment, on March 30th, just one day following a partial solar eclipse in Aries occurring on March 29th. While the eclipse itself demands its own in-depth reflection, Neptune’s shift into Aries is certainly no small matter. Pisces and Aries could not be more dissimilar. Aries, ruled by Mars, thrives on action, conflict, and initiative. Neptune, however, has a knack for dissolving boundaries, softening edges, and occasionally confusing matters entirely. The celestial narrative thus promises some intriguing contradictions—expect the period following March 30th to feel something like a foggy battleground, where motives and agendas may not be immediately clear, yet the urge for action becomes irresistibly compelling.
However, Neptune is not quite done with Pisces yet; consider Aries merely a test drive before the planet retrogrades back into Pisces on October 22nd. Neptune’s retrograde movement into familiar Piscean waters signifies a brief, reflective pause—perhaps offering a final opportunity to resolve unfinished emotional or spiritual business. It’s akin to thinking you’ve definitively ended a relationship, only to realise months later that you left something valuable behind—closure, perhaps?
Neptune finally makes a permanent entry into Aries on January 27th, 2026, initiating a definitive fourteen-year stay. This upcoming Aries tenure strongly suggests a period when idealism may manifest through assertive, pioneering, and occasionally aggressive means. Given Aries’ fiery nature, it could signal a noticeable shift toward individualistic spiritual expression, assertive idealism, or even a rise in combative fantasies of heroism and personal glory—something to watch with cautious curiosity. Until 2039, expect the collective emotional temperature to rise slightly, as Neptune’s dissolving nature meets Aries’ impulsive temperament.
But returning to our current juncture—this final Piscean conjunction at the 29th degree—now is the ideal moment for serious introspection. It’s not the celestial equivalent of a casual goodbye; rather, it is an intense, perhaps poignant, farewell that encourages us to confront what we’ve chosen to overlook or romanticise. With sharp wit and perhaps a dose of self-directed sarcasm, it’s an ideal time to admit to ourselves what aspects of our lives have been conveniently glossed over or deliberately misunderstood. Neptune, after all, excels in the realm of “wishful thinking” and rose-tinted spectacles.
Thus, in these few days, the sky signals a turning point—an invitation to gracefully conclude this long Piscean episode and embrace clarity, even if clarity arrives with the sobering realisation that our illusions might have been more comforting than the truth. As Neptune prepares its imminent departure from Pisces, we might do well to ask ourselves: “Was I genuinely enchanted, or just splendidly deceived?”
The Sun/Neptune conjunction will be most relevant for Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius, and Virgo placements.
II. The Spring Equinox & a whole lotta more!
On March 20th, the Sun strides confidently into Aries, marking its exaltation and initiating the spring equinox—the celestial equivalent of a New Year’s toast. Indeed, astrologically speaking, this marks the commencement of an entirely fresh annual cycle, setting the symbolic tone until the next equinox in 2026. Given the gravity of this ingress, let’s delve carefully—and perhaps slightly sceptically—into what this chart signals for the coming year.
As the Sun moves into Aries, it does not arrive alone. Instead, it joins Mercury and Venus, forming an assertive Aries stellium. However, before excitement overtakes us, it’s crucial to notice that Mercury and Venus are retrograde. Retrogrades imply revisiting old themes, reconsidering decisions, and confronting what we’d prefer to avoid—always a delightful prospect, isn’t it?
Moreover, Venus is particularly uncomfortable here, finding itself in exile in Aries. Normally charming, gracious, and diplomatic, Venus in Aries instead signals relationships and aesthetics being subject to more direct—and potentially blunt—expressions. Don’t be surprised if diplomacy takes a brief sabbatical this year, replaced by frank exchanges or even impulsive declarations. Given this retrograde, expect moments of introspection over past relationships or creative pursuits, with a generous side of impatient self-criticism. It’s almost as if Venus decided she was tired of subtly hinting and opted instead for direct confrontation.
The significance intensifies as the Sun makes exact inferior conjunctions with Venus and Mercury shortly after this ingress. The Sun/Venus inferior conjunction on March 22nd signals a purifying moment—a celestial reset that traditionally aligns with mythological symbolism of Venus meeting Zeus, an image steeped in the notion of rebirth and renewal. This purification strongly suggests a time of reevaluating personal values and self-worth. Given Aries’ impatient nature, however, anticipate that this introspection might occur more abruptly than comfortably. Think of it less as a soothing spa cleanse and more as a bracing plunge into icy water.
The Sun/Mercury Cazimi on March 24th also reflects a critical clarification or illumination regarding our thought processes and communications. Being “in the heart of the Sun,” Mercury briefly enjoys extraordinary clarity. During this fleeting window, expect a significant insight or breakthrough, potentially illuminating truths we’d rather ignore but must face head-on.
Adding complexity, this Aries stellium participates in a minor Grand Trine configuration, with Pluto in Aquarius at its apex and the Moon in Sagittarius forming supportive sextiles. Pluto’s prominent role at the apex is noteworthy, as Pluto signals deep transformations, power struggles, and intense—often subterranean—shifts in collective consciousness. This strongly suggests an energetic year where the themes of autonomy, individual freedom, and perhaps even rebellion against established authority become increasingly visible. The sextiles indicate the possibility for constructive dialogue and dynamic problem-solving, but given Pluto’s intense nature, don’t be shocked if these solutions involve radical adjustments or tough compromises.
Furthermore, exact sextiles to Pluto—Venus on March 21st and the Sun on March 23rd—highlight personal empowerment and the unearthing of hidden dynamics within relationships and identity. There is a reflective invitation here: to question how power operates within personal dynamics, urging us toward greater honesty, albeit sometimes brutally frank.
In parallel, the Pisces sky isn’t silent either. Saturn, Neptune, and the North Node remain conjunct in Pisces, forming another (quasi) stellium. Pisces’ themes of compassion, spirituality, idealism, and, let’s face it, occasional escapism are thus strongly indicated throughout the year. Saturn’s structured approach in dreamy Pisces signals a reflective tension: idealism confronted by realism. It’s akin to having a responsible adult crash your dreamy reverie, gently reminding you bills are due.
This Pisces cluster also forms a minor Grand Trine, with Mars struggling in its fall in Cancer and Uranus proudly placed at its apex in Taurus. Mars in Cancer tends to internalise aggression, suggesting emotional defensiveness, indirect confrontations, or passive-aggressive tendencies—essentially, all our favourite ways of not addressing problems directly. With Uranus in Taurus at the apex, however, there’s a suggestion that emotional repression or insecurity may ultimately provoke sudden, perhaps even shocking revelations or material upheavals. This signals the year as ripe for emotional honesty or, failing that, uncomfortable truth-bombs.
Finally, the Sagittarius Moon applies toward an opposition with Jupiter in Gemini, where Jupiter finds itself similarly exiled. Traditionally optimistic and expansive, Jupiter in Gemini tends to scatter energy, generating myriad interests and activities but perhaps fewer tangible results. The Sagittarius Moon seeking meaning, truth, and higher understanding opposes this scattered Jupiterian impulse, signalling tension between the desire for profound exploration versus superficial busyness. Expect debates, ideological conflicts, and perhaps even exaggerated optimism met by sceptical realism—a celestial reflection of modern life’s information overload, where everyone has opinions yet struggles for genuine understanding.
Importantly, this ingress occurs within an eclipse portal—between last week’s lunar eclipse in Virgo (with the South Node) and next week’s partial solar eclipse in Aries (with the North Node in Pisces). Eclipses indicate significant turning points and shifts. Positioned between eclipses, the equinox signals a reflective pause: a moment to understand and integrate recent endings before embracing fresh starts. The Virgo eclipse highlighted what needs pruning or simplifying, while the upcoming Aries eclipse signals new initiatives—initiatives potentially tempered or complicated by the Pisces North Node’s idealistic undertones.
Collectively, these celestial indicators suggest the upcoming astrological year as marked by significant introspection, frank self-assessment, and potent opportunities for personal and collective transformation. The Aries ingress signals assertive initiative tempered by retrospection and emotional authenticity. Anticipate bold—perhaps overly confident—moves, only to be followed by second-guessing and necessary course corrections.
Ultimately, the celestial forecast suggests a year of confronting uncomfortable truths, rethinking impulsive decisions, and navigating delicate balances between personal autonomy and collective responsibility. If nothing else, it promises to be memorable—whether comfortably so or not is entirely another matter.
Thank you for reading. Let me know your thoughts about this week’s astrological weather in the comments down below!
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Your Astrologer – Theodora NightFall ~
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